Support Our Work

Show your support for the work we do, to bring you excellence in radio programs and podcasts, as the oldest Aboriginal Community radio station in Western Australia.

Support Donny’s Country Matters Work

Country Matters is an important radio show and podcast providing a unique Aboriginal lens on conservation, land, and water management, as well as development. 

It explores issues impacting on country from the perspectives of Australia’s first peoples. From mining, farming, water use, tourism, care for country, emerging industries, the impact of climate change, and more.

With the rush to develop Australia’s tropical north, this is needed now more than ever.

Please support Donny’s work, uniting northern Australia around these issues – from Far North Queensland, the Northern Territory Top end, Kimberley and The Pilbara – and bringing it to a national audience via the National Indigenous Radio Service (NIRS), online and on Spotify.

By becoming a supporter, you will be helping Donny to continue covering stories and yarns from across the north.

Donations will be used to cover Donny’s costs, from equipment, travel and other expenses, as he’s often on the road traversing a large expanse collecting these yarns.

Organisational Supporter – will be acknowledged at the end of each show and on our website (should you chose this option), and receive weekly alerts.

Individual Supporter – will receive weekly alerts of each episode, and free access to future Waringarri Media events.

Support Our Community Forum:
Blak Visions for the Future of the East Kimberley

Hosted by Waringarri Media and Kimberley Birds 

A panel of local Aboriginal voices outlining their visions for the future of the Kimberley region, and how local mob can prosper, socially and economically.

Date: Wednesday 16 October 2024
Location: Waringarri Media, 2229 Speargrass Road, Kununurra
Time: 4:30pm and 6:45pm with BBQ and food afterwards 
MCNatasha Short

The all-black panel is to be announced in the coming weeks

Why are we holding this event?

This will be the first all-indigenous community forum in the East Kimberley for many years. We hope to start a conversation on the path to forging a collective traditional owner (TO) vision for the region and how to realise this vision. 

We hope it also begins a process of greater collaboration and leads to organisations and groups setting up succession plans with their establishments and the region to support the next generation of First Nations leaders.

Why support this event?

It is an important forum that demonstrates leadership by Indigenous groups involved to begin a much-needed conversation on the need to come together to map out our collective TO visions for our country, and ways we can realise this.

By supporting this event, your contribution will help us foster greater collaboration among Aboriginal Controlled Organisations in the East Kimberley that can be a model for other regions.

This forum will also highlight the need for succession planning and pathways to support emerging Indigenous leaders, which is lacking, and hopefully leads to more thinking and planning around this vital issue.

Organisational Supporter – will be acknowledged at the end of each show and on our website (should you chose this option), and receive weekly alerts.

Individual Supporter – will receive weekly alerts of each episode, and free access to future Waringarri Media events.