Location: Waringarri Radio Station
2229 Speargrass Road, Kununurra WA 6743
Date: Thursday 16th November 2023
Time: 10am – 12noon
CALLING ALL Waringarri Media members! You are advised that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place between 10am and 12 noon on Thursday 16th of November at our location at 2229 Speargrass Road Kununurra.
As a valued member of WMAC we would dearly love you to attend and get an update of our performance over the past 12 months, and our exciting plans for the future.
All current five Directors were elected for a period of two years in 2022. According to our Rule Book, WMAC can have up to seven Directors. So if you would like to nominate please attend and advise me ahead of time when you RSVP.
Kindly RSVP ASAP so we know who’s coming for preparations and catering.
Pop into our office anytime between 8.30am and 4.30pm or call us on 08 9168 2214.
Please see the proposed agenda below. And we look forward to your attendance.